Aim. To study sulodexide clinical efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). Material and мethods. Patients with type 2 DM and IHD who undergone X-Ray contrast intervention. The patients were randomized into 2 groups: 56 patients of the main group were i/v administered sulodexide (Vessel Due F , “Alfa Wassermann”, Italy) according to standard procedure; 56 patients of the control group were treated with unfractionated heparin. Results. The incidence of CIN in the main and control groups was, respectively , 16% and 42% (p<0.01). Reduction of microalbuminuria (MAU) was found in 89.3% of the sulodexide group patients. MAU dynamics in patients of control group was not observed. There were no deteriorations in echocardiography characteristics in patients of both groups. The reduction in low density cholesterol and triglyceride plasma levels was observed in the main group. Sulodexide induced a lengthening of the activated partial thromboplastin time (from 30±0.6 to 34±0.5 s), without altering fibrinogen level. There were no thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications of endovascular intervention in sulodexide group. No one case of thrombocytopenia was observed. Higher risk of CIN in patients without sulodexide treatment compared with this in sulodexide treated patients was associated with multiple lesions of coronary arteries, diuretic intake in periprocedural period, contrast agent dose, duration of hospitalization, seriousness of intervention. Conclusion. Sulodexide therapy in patients with 2 type DM and IHD undergone X-Ray contrast intervention prevents renal dysfunction, providing antiproteinuric effect and correcting lipid metabolism and coagulation system disturbances.
About the Authors
L. V. KozlovaRussian Federation
R. A. Khokhlov
Russian Federation
N. M. Akhmedzhanov
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kozlova L.V., Khokhlov R.A., Akhmedzhanov N.M. CLINICAL EFFICACY OF GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS AND ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2011;7(5):584-590. (In Russ.)