
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology

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Aim. To evaluate antihypertensive and metabolic effects of the therapy based on carvedilol (C) in comparison with metoprolol (M) in hypertensive patients with overweight or obesity.

Material and methods. 320 patients were involved in multicenter, randomized open parallel study. One part of the patients received C 12,5 mg BID (Vedicardol, “Sintez”), another part – M 25 mg/day BID. Doubling dose of β-blockers (BB) and switching patients to combined therapy with AML 5-10 mg OD (Amlorus, “Sintez”) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) 12,5-25 mg OD was performed if necessary. The study duration was 24 weeks.

Results. Significant reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was revealed in both groups, there was no difference between groups (р=0,88 and p=0,61 respectively). Switching patients to combined therapy with AML and HCT was made more often in M group than in C group (p>0,05). Prescription of BB resulted in significant reduction of the heart rate, there was no difference between groups (p=0,61). 96,2% patients of group C and 95,5% of group M reached target levels of BP. Significant reduction of glucose (p<0,01) and uric acid levels were registered in group C as well as tendency to lowering of total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) levels. 34 adverse effects were registered during observation period: 24 in group C and 10 in group M (p>0.05), half of them were not related to BB taking.

Conclusion: Controlled antihypertensive therapy, based on С and M, allows reaching target levels of BP in majority of patients with overweight or obesity. Switching to combined therapy was made more seldom in group of С than in M group. Both drugs demonstrated metabolic neutrality, however significant lowering of glucose and uric acid levels and tendency to lowering of TC an LDLC levels was observed only in group С.

About the Authors

S. Y. Martsevich

Russian Federation

N. P. Kutishenko

Russian Federation

E. V. Shilova

Russian Federation

A. D. Deev

Russian Federation

S. A. Shalnova

Russian Federation

R. G. Oganov

Russian Federation

I. A. Velishanina

Russian Federation

E. G. Volkova

Russian Federation

Yu. E. Voskanjan

Russian Federation

L. I. Gapon

Russian Federation

P. Ya. Dovgalevskij

Russian Federation

V. Ya. Ermolina

Russian Federation

E. M. Idrisova

Russian Federation

N. N. Ilov

Russian Federation

A. R. Kiseleva

Russian Federation

S Yu. Levashov

Russian Federation

V. A. Nevsorova

Russian Federation

G. I. Nechaeva

Russian Federation

T. N. Panova

Russian Federation

I. I. Reznik

Russian Federation

V. V. Skibickij

Russian Federation

L. A. Sokolova

Russian Federation

V. P. Terentev

Russian Federation

N. V. Hailo

Russian Federation

A. V. Shabalin

Russian Federation

T. V. Shnyukova

Russian Federation

V. V. Yakusevich

Russian Federation

E. N. Akulina

Russian Federation

V. A. Budanova

Russian Federation

T. S. Bondarenko

Russian Federation

V. P. Voronina

Russian Federation

I. N. Gozhaja

Russian Federation

I. I. Igricenco

Russian Federation

A. V. Drogan

Russian Federation

N. A. Dmitrieva

Russian Federation

F. M. Dyshekova

Russian Federation

A. I. Zaiceva

Russian Federation

A. N. Ikovnikova

Russian Federation

G. A. Ilicheva

Russian Federation

I. S. Irhina

Russian Federation

L. A. Kovaleva

Russian Federation

O. N. Kutkina

Russian Federation

E. A. Kudrjashev

Russian Federation

A. Z. Leonidova

Russian Federation

E. N. Loginova

Russian Federation

M. P. Marganjan

Russian Federation

O. V. Nastradin

Russian Federation

A. N. Nikitina

Russian Federation

I. N. Nikolskaja

Russian Federation

I. E. Pashinceva

Russian Federation

A. S. Petrochenko

Russian Federation

O. M. Pasnenkova

Russian Federation

E. S. Potapova

Russian Federation

A. A. Serazhim

Russian Federation

M. N. Sergeev

Russian Federation

V. V. Sidorenko

Russian Federation

V. A. Simonov

Russian Federation

D. V. Sirotenko

Russian Federation

I. N. Spanderashvili

Russian Federation

A. N. Strunina

Russian Federation

E. S. Timoschenko

Russian Federation

S. N. Tolpygina

Russian Federation

M. R. Redkina

Russian Federation


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For citations:

Martsevich S.Y., Kutishenko N.P., Shilova E.V., Deev A.D., Shalnova S.A., Oganov R.G., Velishanina I.A., Volkova E.G., Voskanjan Yu.E., Gapon L.I., Dovgalevskij P.Ya., Ermolina V.Ya., Idrisova E.M., Ilov N.N., Kiseleva A.R., Levashov S.Yu., Nevsorova V.A., Nechaeva G.I., Panova T.N., Reznik I.I., Skibickij V.V., Sokolova L.A., Terentev V.P., Hailo N.V., Shabalin A.V., Shnyukova T.V., Yakusevich V.V., Akulina E.N., Budanova V.A., Bondarenko T.S., Voronina V.P., Gozhaja I.N., Igricenco I.I., Drogan A.V., Dmitrieva N.A., Dyshekova F.M., Zaiceva A.I., Ikovnikova A.N., Ilicheva G.A., Irhina I.S., Kovaleva L.A., Kutkina O.N., Kudrjashev E.A., Leonidova A.Z., Loginova E.N., Marganjan M.P., Nastradin O.V., Nikitina A.N., Nikolskaja I.N., Pashinceva I.E., Petrochenko A.S., Pasnenkova O.M., Potapova E.S., Serazhim A.A., Sergeev M.N., Sidorenko V.V., Simonov V.A., Sirotenko D.V., Spanderashvili I.N., Strunina A.N., Timoschenko E.S., Tolpygina S.N., Redkina M.R. COMPARISON OF THERAPIES BASED ON CARVEDILOL AND METOPROLOL IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS WITH OVERWEIGHT OR OBESITY. THE FIRST RESULTS OF CAMELLIA TRIAL. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2009;5(1):23-27. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1819-6446 (Print)
ISSN 2225-3653 (Online)