
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology

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Aim. To analyze adverse drug reactions (ADR) during antithrombotic therapy on the basis of spontaneous reports registered in Volgograd city and region in 2010-2012.

Material and methods. It was analytical retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study. ADR spontaneous reports submitted to the Volgograd Regional Centre for Drug Safety Monitoring were used.

Results. Regarding antithrombotic drugs 18 spontaneous reports on suspected ADR or ineffectiveness were submitted (from 562). Most of reports were accounted for by indirect- acting anticoagulating agents — 66.7% (12/18), direct-acting anticoagulants — 22.2% (4/18), and antiplatelet drugs 11.1% (2/18).

Conclusion. Warfarin was more often cause of ADR during antithrombotic therapy. Organization of regional centers for drug safety monitoring can contribute to ADR reveal and study.

About the Authors

O. V. Shatalova
Volgograd State Medical University
Russian Federation

O. N. Smuseva
Volgograd State Medical University
Russian Federation

A. S. Maslakov
Volgograd State Medical University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shatalova O.V., Smuseva O.N., Maslakov A.S. ANTITHROMBOTIC THERAPY SAFETY MONITORING BASED ON SPONTANEOUS REPORTS. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2013;9(2):123-126. (In Russ.)

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